Monday, December 15, 2008

Jeremiah was a bullfrog?

I feel as if I don't always try hard to understand "the other guys". I'm quick to form an opinion, which is a form of judgment. I hate this about myself. I want to be a nice person, really I do. I want to be accepting of those whom God accepts. I really want to be able to sit and listen to other "forms" of worship and not feel all frustrated.
I love our service. It's work. I am not a spectator, but a participant. In other settings of worship experiences I have also been a participant. More so than the majority of people who are there. Because I sing, I have a privileged position, so to speak. This is not always easy. In fact, like many priests in Scripture who became so used to being a part of the "work" of the temple and became blasphemous, I too have been guilty of being so busy with working, that I don't have time or heart to truly worship. (No, I'm NOT condoning women in the position of authority!) Kind of like Mary and Martha. Except I really don't work as hard as Martha, bless her heart. I do
need to be more like Mary.

HB had to sing at another church to fulfill a part of her school "duty" on Sunday morning. Drives me nuts that kids would have to miss their own church services, but that's a whole 'nother story. Anyway, JM and I accompanied her. I was trying to be open-minded and open-hearted about it all. Poor JM kept asking me what "that" has to
do with God, etc. I told him to calm down and just listen. It would be alright.
Then, it happened. The children's minister proposed we sing a song. I couldn't believe my ears. Jeremiah was a bullfrog. Yep, not kidding. Right in the middle of the service. The point? To teach the kids about JOY. This was the theme for the day. I kept looking for lightning bolts, but nothing happened. I kind of wished I had had a buzzer for every time someone mentioned joy, or a shock collar!!!!!
We had a small responsive reading, sang a few 'real' hymns, and listened to the kids sing. Oh, Scripture was read, in another language. To be fair, it was printed and I just kept thinking, "Ok God, YOU know what they are saying." I would have had an easier time if it had been Latin. I know some of that! The whole sermon was about re-gifting Joy. There were a few, very few, scripture references. I don't remember the pastor quoting or reading any of them. He may have. Maybe my ears were just so full of joy I couldn't hear. The 2 questions asked of you at the pearly gates, were..."Did you have joy in your life?"....#2 "Did you bring joy to others?". I don't know, maybe it's just me and my judgmental attitude, but I had a hard time swallowing that one, especially after hearing more verses of Jeremiah than I knew existed.
If that is the kind of preaching this world is hearing, than no wonder...a lot of things. Yes, I'm a musical snob who doesn't like praise choruses in worship. I prefer songs about God's goodness, character, wrath, etc. instead of songs about me. But when the word of God is watered down and replaced with dribble and sentimentalism, I think someone has sold out.
Not to mention, I think next time I hear Jeremiah was a Bullfrog, I will not be able to enjoy the song for the silliness it provides. I just think it doesn't belong in worship.


Timothy said...

Funny, I sang this song to my boys just yesterday! But it was in my living room,not in worship. Hhm? Maybe that is what I need to do to turn around this church! Just kidding.

I would rather us struggle being obedient, then perish with lots of people on the wide road.

Sorry you had to endure that in worship. We have tried here to make worship more Christ centered, and more joyful, but alas...

P5K said...

I have realized, I am responsible for my actions, and it is not my job to make everything look like I think it ought to. It is, however, hard to be gracious in a situation that feels very blasphemous. I felt that if those to whom he was obviously trying to reach actually came trying to find the answer for their lives, they would have left empty and wondering. Sad, really.

heather young said...

Hey Patty,
Thanks so much for having us over the other night and for the delicious meal. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was great to meet ALL of your children and to hear them sing. Christmas Eve service was wonderful and the kids loved it. Lydia especially loved all of "those people" in the corner singing to the Lord". I'm adding your URL to my blog list. Talk to you soon. Grateful for your friendship. Love and Blessings ~ Heather