Monday, December 15, 2008

Jeremiah was a bullfrog?

I feel as if I don't always try hard to understand "the other guys". I'm quick to form an opinion, which is a form of judgment. I hate this about myself. I want to be a nice person, really I do. I want to be accepting of those whom God accepts. I really want to be able to sit and listen to other "forms" of worship and not feel all frustrated.
I love our service. It's work. I am not a spectator, but a participant. In other settings of worship experiences I have also been a participant. More so than the majority of people who are there. Because I sing, I have a privileged position, so to speak. This is not always easy. In fact, like many priests in Scripture who became so used to being a part of the "work" of the temple and became blasphemous, I too have been guilty of being so busy with working, that I don't have time or heart to truly worship. (No, I'm NOT condoning women in the position of authority!) Kind of like Mary and Martha. Except I really don't work as hard as Martha, bless her heart. I do
need to be more like Mary.

HB had to sing at another church to fulfill a part of her school "duty" on Sunday morning. Drives me nuts that kids would have to miss their own church services, but that's a whole 'nother story. Anyway, JM and I accompanied her. I was trying to be open-minded and open-hearted about it all. Poor JM kept asking me what "that" has to
do with God, etc. I told him to calm down and just listen. It would be alright.
Then, it happened. The children's minister proposed we sing a song. I couldn't believe my ears. Jeremiah was a bullfrog. Yep, not kidding. Right in the middle of the service. The point? To teach the kids about JOY. This was the theme for the day. I kept looking for lightning bolts, but nothing happened. I kind of wished I had had a buzzer for every time someone mentioned joy, or a shock collar!!!!!
We had a small responsive reading, sang a few 'real' hymns, and listened to the kids sing. Oh, Scripture was read, in another language. To be fair, it was printed and I just kept thinking, "Ok God, YOU know what they are saying." I would have had an easier time if it had been Latin. I know some of that! The whole sermon was about re-gifting Joy. There were a few, very few, scripture references. I don't remember the pastor quoting or reading any of them. He may have. Maybe my ears were just so full of joy I couldn't hear. The 2 questions asked of you at the pearly gates, were..."Did you have joy in your life?"....#2 "Did you bring joy to others?". I don't know, maybe it's just me and my judgmental attitude, but I had a hard time swallowing that one, especially after hearing more verses of Jeremiah than I knew existed.
If that is the kind of preaching this world is hearing, than no wonder...a lot of things. Yes, I'm a musical snob who doesn't like praise choruses in worship. I prefer songs about God's goodness, character, wrath, etc. instead of songs about me. But when the word of God is watered down and replaced with dribble and sentimentalism, I think someone has sold out.
Not to mention, I think next time I hear Jeremiah was a Bullfrog, I will not be able to enjoy the song for the silliness it provides. I just think it doesn't belong in worship.